Sorry I did not update you about the failed attempt in the Caribbean 1500 and going to the BVI. I posted several videos and pictures on Facebook /cpubob I have tried to post them here but that is beyond this old computer geek to copy from Facebook. To recap: Dan and Melissa invited us after their paid captain bailed on them to get Slow Dancing back in the rally to Tortola, BVI. In a moment’s notice we flew to Norfolk and left the next morning. We had a nice sail from the bridge-tunnel out into the Atlantic. As darkness fell we reefed the main down, put out the staysail and watched the wind build, the predicted wind was 20-25. It was more like 30-35 we changed course to get the wind and waves off the bow. The seas were now confused coming from different directions but big. Water was pouring into the cabin from leaking hatches and a propane locker. This locker on the starboard side is right next to the navigation station and all the electronics, now this is a problem. It took out the radio and our ability to get weather reports, also most of the extra fuel stored in Jerry cans and triple lashed to the deck washed overboard. We decided to turn around. Initially going north with the wind from the south was much smoother but it shifted to north and even stronger and more confused waves. Down in the cabin it was very wet; eating or sleeping was next to impossible. We finally made it back to the Chesapeake Bay then heard the reports of other boats that faced worse problems than we did. The Coast Guard was busy, they towed two boats in, another one was demasted, and one couple lost their boat but got rescued and saved their lives.
We are back on Shadowfax down in a warmer environment in Hilton Head, SC. Tomorrow we will start again on the ICW through Georgia and Florida to be with our family in Boynton Beach for Thanksgiving.